Rain on Trees

Monday, May 30, 2011

Examples of the Threats to Our Environment and How We Can Help Reduce These Threats!

Here are a few examples of the threats to our environment:
Rainforests (Deforestation)
The Ozone Layer
The Greenhouse Effect
Endangered Habitats and their Wildlife
And, How to Create Your Own Wildlife Garden

With each of the above listed, there are great ideas to help you do something about them.

We humans create a lot of garbage! We now produce just under half a ton per person each year. Most of this is taken away by garbage collector and buried in landfill sites or burned in incinerators - both of these actions can be dangerous to the environment. Is all our garbage really garbage? If you think about it, much of what we throw away could be used again. It makes sense to reuse and recycle our garbage instead of just trying to solve the problem of where to put it!

How We Can Help

  • Sort out your garbage. Organic matter such as root crop peelings, left over food, tea leaves, etc. can be transferred straight to a compost heap in the garden and can be used as a good, natural fertilizer for the plants. Aluminum cans, glass bottles and newspapers, etc. are often collected from our doorsteps these days, but other items such as plastic bottles, juice cartons and cardboard may not be, in which case , they can be taken to nearby recycling banks. Find out where they can be taken by asking our local officials.
    Use recycled paper to help save trees. Chlorine bleach is used to make newspapers and this pollutes our rivers. It's better to use unbleached paper whenever you can. Take your old clothes to charity shops. Some can be sold, others can be recycled.

  • Try to avoid buying plastic. It's hard to recycle. One way to cut down on plastic is to refuse to use carrier bags offered by supermarkets. Use strong, long lasting shopping bags instead or re-use plastic bags over and over again until they wear out and then, recycle them.

  • Don't buy over-packed goods. Many things we buy have unnecessary amounts of plastic and paper around them.
More postings on:
Rainforests (Deforestation)
The Ozone Layer
The Greenhouse Effect
Endangered Habitats and Their Wildlife
And, How To Create Your Own Wildlife Garden

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